Monday, June 24, 2013

Was there no other option for him? Couldn't he have asked for an audience with the President to express his concern and try to solve the problem or at least make an effort. To put one's country in harm's way like this is unthinkable. Does Snowden realize that America is one of the most hated countries in the world and there are those who would want to do serious harm to the country and its citizens. Many see American democracy as a threat to dictators everywhere so this is like a god sent reason to blow off America.

Cuban citizens would not dare to do that to their country. Fidel Castro would have executed swift justice, China also would not nor any of these countries that are showing a willingness to hide this misguided young man. He needs to be return to America to face the American justice system. If he would betray his country and his people would he have sympathy for people in worst situation, would he be able to hold his tongue when a Cuban talks about how frustrated they are with a government that controls everything they do or would he expose Cuba, Russia or Ecuador as well.These countries are not known for their generosity in terms of individual freedoms and rights.

Watch out, this is a hot potato. This is a publicity stund by Snowden. He's waiting for the million dollar movie and book-deal. He should not be allowed to profit from his criminal behaviour.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Americans are all about Show Business

I sometimes have to shake my head when I read about the insanity of a nation that claims to want democracy. For every freedom you earn there is responsibility, there is something you have to be prepared to give up. Americans appear to live in the fairyland of Waltz Disney where there is a happy ending somewhere beyond the rainbow or something like that.

This  Edward Snowdown fellow might think he is doing Americans a favour by blabbing his mouth about what the CIA is doing. This is the kind of insanity that the terrorists depend upon. They know what fools we are and that some idiot will dream of himself being written about, going down in history as a hero or some such thing.

Most of the time the average Americans carry on mindless chatter on TV, internet, FB and so on - who in their right mind would want to listen to such  diatribe? Those of us who have nothing to hide do not mind the inconvenience if it means that more criminals would be caught. It is when you have something to hide that meaningful intrustions such as tapping into to conversations of people of interest would generate a furor. Do not cover criminals under the cloak of freedom and democracy.

Come on Americans, do you want to be safe or caught with your pants down by people who want to harm you and your children. Instead of worrying about democracy and freedom for criminals to get away with murder we might as well start talking about the criminals in our backyards with guns and bullets ready to take you down and your entire family. America wake up! This is not la la land. Trust President Obama, he is not George Bush. He has your best interest at heart. I totally support this administration because it has proven itself. There are no hidden agendas.

Edward Snowdown is just another Americans who is trying to get famous or infamous. Don't let him persuade you to leave yourself wide open to terrorist actions.  Or could it be he was a person of interest and was sure to be exposed? Let the CIA do its work in protecting us.

Edward Snowdown is a criminal and his fate needs to be decided by a court of law. He has betrayed his country in the worst way. Whoever this guy is I do not trust him. He is dangerous. As far as I am concerned this is treason.