Loose lips sink ships. These Americans who are spouting off to the world what their country is up to are just little tools in the palms of nations with people who can outwit and outsmart any American. These kids with their rights and democracy cards waving like some kind of a wand do not have a clue as to what is going on in front of them. They have been raised too protected and maybe it’s time that Americans live like the rest of the world – because these people who are talking their heads off need common sense which is in limited supply these days.
The countries that want to adopt these renegades have some of the worst human rights abuses and keep their nations under constant surveillance. They are just going to extract from these fools as much information as possible to use against Americans. Why not, if this is the type of people Americans are raising with freedom in their heads then maybe this wake up call is appropriate
I am sick at what Americans are doing to Americans. We put too much weight on freedom and democracy and only these western countries are free while the rest of the world run super protective regimes. You don't hear non-western countries betrying their people like Americans... Why? In the majority of the countries in the world freedom is limited and you do not see people from those countries sharing top secrets with enemy nations. They hate Americans because it gives too much freedom to its people. I believe in freedom and democracy and I believe in having to gibve up some of this freedom for the greater good of my people. It is selfish of people like Snowden who jeopardize the lives of millions. These people deserves to live in regimes where freedom is very curtailed like Venezuela and thsoe other Latinamerican countries. No one should try to bring these renegades back because they can never ever be trusted as a citizen again.
I think when someone betrays his nation like Snowden did he should be stripped on his citizenship.