A little while ago a 200 pound pet chimp owned by Sandra Herold went crazy and attacked its owner’s friend a 55year old Charla Nash which triggered a 911 call. Police intervened and in the fracas that followed the chimp, Travis was shot to death. Is this fair to the animal? In this case the owner said that the animal was suffering from Lyme disease and that made it act the way it did.
First of all I do not believe that every animal or any animal was created to become trapped in the stifling love humans offer. Animals were born to be free and they are quite capable of taking care of themselves, thank you very much. But no, we needy humans must hunt the animals down and then trap them in the cage of our homes. Then when the animal instinct emerges and the animal acts as it should, we punish it for not succumbing to our wiles and kill it. This is crazy sic.
Chimps are humans cousin. They might even be humans. We should not own a chimp. I think the owner of this pet should be heavily fined for any damage caused by the Chimp. In fact everyone who owns a pet should be made to take out insurance on the pets should they get out of control and hurt anyone.
Chimps are highly intelligent and according to the Police at the scene of the crime, The Chimp grabbed the keys, unlocked the kitchen door of his home to allow itself out. The owner apparently stabbed the chimp several times once with a kitchen knife and then a butcher knife in an attempt to stop him from attacking her friend. He found himself at Nash’s home and as she tried to get out of her car the Chimp violently attacked her. The animal ran to the police cruise did some damage to that before opening the cruiser door. They said he appeared as if he was going to attack the police at which time the police shot the animal in the chest. Travis later died.
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